
Field Trips

2024 AAPG-RMS Annual Meeting

2024 RMS-AAPG Field Trips

We are very pleased to offer 4 unique field experiences with topics that cover Carbon Management, the Green River Formation, the Uinta Basin, and the Great Salt Lake. With field trip leaders drawn from academia, state government, and the private sector, each experience will be hosted by knowledgeable practitioners who have worked in Utah for decades. No matter your travel itinerary and geologic interests, we are offering options that suit professionals, amateurs, and students alike and we hope to see you on one of these choice trips. Stay tuned for updates.

Topic: Carbon Management

Title: "Considerations for Carbon Storage in Eolian and Marine Siliciclastic Systems"

Timing: 3-day trip w/ overnights near Ferron or Price & Green River, UT Wednesday-Friday (Oct. 9-11): follows the meeting

Topic: Flagstaff and Green River Formations

Title: "Emerging plays of the Uinta Basin: evolving hydrocarbon targets in the lacustrine Green River and Flagstaff Formations"

Timing: 2-day trip w/ overnight in Price, UT Wednesday-Thursday (Oct. 9 & 10): follows the meeting

Topic: Uinta Basin

Title: "A Geologic Transect through the Eastern Uinta Basin with Notes on Powell's Expeditions"

Timing: 2-day trip w/ overnight in Vernal, UT Saturday-Sunday (Oct. 5 & 6): precedes the meeting

Topic: Great Salt Lake

Title: "A Circumnavigation of the GSL with Discussions on Critical Minerals, Geomicrobiology, and Lacustrine Evaporite Deposits"

Timing: 1-day trip, offered after the meeting Wednesday (Oct. 9): follows the meeting

For more information, contact Field Trip Chair, Eugene Szymanski at eugenes@utah.gov.

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